The book I would like to recommend is ‘Ugly Beauty’ written by a journalist – Ruth Brandon. You can see the review in here and buy e-book in here. It is a book about make-up, business, love and life.
This book is the answer: How to be succeed in a beauty industry? How L’oreal i Helena Rubinstein create the empire?
What about the book?
Did you know that a lot of polish people were a great businessman in a beauty industry? Maksymilian Faktorowicz from Zduńskia Wola, known as Max Factor was founder of a first make-up studio in Los Angeles.
He was the inventor of a word ‘make-up’ and won Oscar for the characterization. He invented a pan stick and was creator of a conception of tv make-up.
Helena Rubinstein was a Jewish girl from Poland. She opened her first cosmetics store in Australia and started to sell the luxury cram based on the oils. She invented a lipstick and her products were loved by women in all over the world.
Finally, the most contemporary, polish businessman from Przemyśl – Wojciech Inglot. He created an INGLOT. He invent the Freedom System. The system gives women the possibility of create their own color palette.
Eugene Schueller was a French pharmacist, who discover the first safe hair dye. He was a scientist but he didn’t like work at the university. He loves working on his own, even 18 hours a day.
The tips
The story of makeup shows, that only a hard work and a determination can gives you a success. Cosmetics are connected with economy, politics and industry. Through the second World War all companies were stopped but after the war women wanted to feel beautiful. Entrepreneurship and uncompromising attitude gives the success.
This book is worth to read. It shows the makeup history, the beauty business in XX century and a connections between cosmetics and politics. It gives you recipe for the success: hard work and no sleep. You should definitely check this book out.
What is Ruth Brandon saying about her book? Check this out! Source: Youtube
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