To już kolejny wpis dotyczący atopowego zapalenia skóry. W zasadzie sami o niego prosiliście, nieustannie otrzymuję od was na ten temat mnóstwo wiadomości tutaj, czy na Instagramie, Facebooku. Po wielu latach walki z chorobą mam kilka nowych podpowiedzi, skutecznych działań i zmian, które uczyniły moje życie łatwiejszym i w zasadzie… bezobjawowym.
Tag Archives: olejek do twarzy
CeraVe – products I fell in love with
Atopic dermatitis is not giving up on me. Sometimes, when you start to suffer from eczema as a kid, you can fight this battle. But when eczema attack when you are a grown-up it is hard to get better for good. This is what happened to me – atopic dermatitis started when I was eighteen. This blog post is about skincare – if you want to know how to take care of your atopic, itchy and dry skin – this post is for you.
Nourishing atopic skin
Atopic dermatitis?
Atopic dermatitis is a very popular illness. Skin pain, extreme dryness and burning sensation is very irritating. For the medical treatment we use steroids but they are not the way out of the problem. In the long term… diet, care and healthy lifestyle will be a much better option. What else?
Top 2018
My top cosmetics of 2018
One of the most important aspect of my work is… testing. New cosmetics need to be tested before I use them on my clients. Which are my favourite skincare products of 2018?