There’s a huge variety of cosmetic products to choose from. Some of them are more expensive and some are less, but not always worth a penny. That’s why I would like to share with you only three products from the new arrivals, which are worth to buy.
Author Archives: raffo
Available only in Polish
Czy istnieje jakaś złota zasada? Na co blondynki powinny zwracać uwagę podczas wykonywania makijażu i które kolory pasują im najbardziej? W tym krótkim wpisie, przypominającym makijaż ślubny Pauliny zdradzam nieco swoich trików w makijażu dla kobiet z jasnymi włosami i podaję nazwy ulubionych kosmetyków.
Working, shopping, networking
Networking, working and shopping, why those are so important while being a make-up artist? If you are and you don’t know what to do with your career, how make success, that’s post for you.
Los Angeles
I have been in Los Angeles last year but I love this city so much, I decided to go back this year. California is a beautiful state full of nature and sun. Pacific Ocean is the one I love the most. Why?
New York City during the fashion week
New York City during the Fashion Week? how it looks like? What do you need to know before taking a trip to the NYC? I will try to answer all of your questions!
Work the Runway
Working on the New York Fashion Week was always one of my biggest dream. I’ve always wanted to check myself how it looks like in real to be there, on the backstage. And now… I got it! I’ve worked on the fashion week!
New York Fashion Week
Working on New York Fashion Week was one of my biggest dreams. I believe, that every make-up artist would like to work at the fashion week backstage. It was such an amazing experience!
The Make-up Show
The Makeup Show is one of the greatest events in a make-up industry. This year I was in San Francisco meeting Danessa Myricks and James Vincent. In this post you will find a short summary from my time in SF.
Lips and brocade
The truth is, there’s no people with perfect lips shape. Today I’ll give you an alternative way to make your lips extremely shiny and beautiful. In the movie you will find the recipe for a perfect lips – in my own ‘brocade’ way.
Some people think, that one of those cities: Los Angeles or San Francisco, is the capitol of California State, but non of them is. This is … Sacramento. Not so big but very interesting city with a lot of things to see. If you can imagine, having just one day to visit Sacramento, what would be the most important amusement?
Nourishing atopic skin
Atopic dermatitis?
Atopic dermatitis is a very popular illness. Skin pain, extreme dryness and burning sensation is very irritating. For the medical treatment we use steroids but they are not the way out of the problem. In the long term… diet, care and healthy lifestyle will be a much better option. What else?
Monkey Rock Trail
America has a lot of beautiful places worth to visit. Some of them are more popular then the others and today I would like to invite you for a new trip. One of the most beautiful trails in the world is Monkey Rock Trail at Tahoe Lake. Here you’ll find more information about Tahoe, and more about nearby city – Reno. This time I invite you for a hike.
Sweets for your skin
It is said that sugar is not healthy at all, also for the skin. On the photographs you can see a sweet table which is very popular on polish weddings. What kind of ‘sweets’ are best for your skin? Let’s see 5 of my favourite.
Made-to-measure make-up look
Sometimes it is hard to find the best colours or style in your daily make-up look. What about the special occasion? What if make-up should match not only your style but a lot more….?
Available only in Polish
Makijaż okazjonalny to ten rodzaj makijażu, z którym każda kobieta mierzy się zazwyczaj podczas przygotowań do ważnego wydarzenia. Makijaż wieczorowy, sylwestrowy, a w szczególności makijaż ślubny. We wpisie znajdziesz 5 prostych trików, które zagwarantują ci trwały i spektakularny makijaż okazjonalny, a do tego zdjęcia prosto zza kulis ślubu Angeliki ❤️
Available only in Polish
Wakacyjne upały sprawiają, że skóra wymaga wyjątkowej pielęgnacji. Ochrona przed słońcem, oczyszczanie (co najmniej dwa razy dziennie!) i nawilżenie to trzy podstawowe elementy. Jak się malować, aby skóra była naturalna, piękna i błyszcząca? Przedstawiam wam nie tylko swoje ulubione kosmetyki, ale także film od Love Story Wedding, na którym zobaczycie moją wersję makijażu glow.
Available only in Polish
Stosowanie cieni w dziennym makijażu wymaga umiejętności. Większość kobiet radzi sobie całkiem nieźle z nakładaniem podkładu, korektora i tuszu do rzęs. Najwięcej kłopotu sprawiają zazwyczaj kosmetyki kolorowe – nakładanie bronzera, różu, pomadki i cieni. Tymczasem okazuje się, że to właśnie pigmenty sprawiają, że nasz dzienny makijaż będzie wyjątkowy. Jeśli boicie się cieni do oczu w formie sypkiej, koniecznie przeczytajcie – nie taki diabeł straszny jak go malują!
How to develop your own style?
I had already told you about the mature woman make-up look but about.. image? Developing Mature Woman Image are the classes I had a great pleasure create and lead this year, on Jagiellonian University.
Occasional image, developing an image and autentity are one of the most important elements which allows you to feel good with yourself. What do you need to know about developing an image and how to feel comfortable with yourself?
Nourishment of the atopic skin
Workshops are huge part of my daily work. I met a lot of women who are different types of beauty and have different ways to take care of their skin. When skin is more problematic, they need to find very individual nutrition way. We still don’t know everything about acupuncture or innovative methods of skin treatment. You ask me a lot of questions about problematic skin and skin illness and how to deal with it. In this post you can find my personal way how to develop your own method of skin care. ❤️
Long lasting make-up look
Is your daily make-up a long lasting make-up? What about sunny, hot days? Do you have your favourite 24h lipstick? How to make your daily make-up long lasting? I do have a great prescription for you.
Your daily make-up should be radiant and looks perfect all day. The same rules are obligatory for bridal make-up look. Which cosmetics will be perfect for 24h party time? I’d tested a lot of them on my face but also… on my clients! Photographs down below are from Natalia’s wedding, just to show you how long lasting was the make-up I made for her. ❤️
Beauty and travels
Beauty and travels
2018 was a traveling year for me. What’s my favourite place? What about my skincare routine and make-up? ⛱
Top 2018
My top cosmetics of 2018
One of the most important aspect of my work is… testing. New cosmetics need to be tested before I use them on my clients. Which are my favourite skincare products of 2018?
Happy New Year!
2018 was amazing year! Full of new adventures and challenges. I was travelling a lot, meeting new people and gaining invaluable make-up experience. My work is my biggest passion?